How to Use Instagram Vanish Mode? – The Ultimate Privacy Hack You Need

Snapchat first popularised the idea of disappearing messages. And that is still the default on Snapchat. Later on Whatsapp, Signal, Telegram, and Instagram, all added this as an additional feature. Secret message, disappearing message, vanish mode whatever you call it, the idea is simple. You send someone a message, and after a certain period of time or once they read it, it disappears. 

While having access to the chat history can be quite resourceful. You don’t always want that do you? This kind of messaging is scientifically known as ephemeral communication. And it has been known to mimic the same kind of effect as spoken words, as it can’t be repeated. But of course it also comes with great privacy features.

What Is Vanish Mode?

Now that we’ve got a general understanding of what ephemeral communication is, let’s talk about Instagram’s implementation of it. Vanish Mode is a feature on Instagram that allows you to send messages, photos, videos, and other content that disappear once they’ve been viewed and you leave the chat. It’s a self-destructing message system that adds an extra layer of privacy to your conversations. 

How to Enable Vanish Mode on Instagram?

Instagram’s implementation of this feature is probably the easiest. It’s not hidden behind a bunch of pages. Turning it on is fairly straightforward.

  1. Launch the Instagram app on your phone.
  2. Tap on the Messenger or DM icon at the top right corner of your screen.
  3. Choose the conversation where you want to use the Vanish Mode
  4. While in the chat, swipe up from the bottom of the screen and release.
  5. And voila! You’re in the vanish mode.

Alternatively, if you haven’t had a conversation with the person before, you must initiate it first.

  1. Launch the Instagram app on your smartphone.
  2. From the feed, look at the top right corner and tap on the Messenger or DM icon.
  3. Then again, on the top-right corner, tap on the compose icon.
  4. The,n look for the person you want to text.
  5. Once you go to the chat, send a message first.
  6. Then swipe up and release.
  7. That should enable the vanish mode for yo.u

You can’t start a conversation in Vanish mode with someone you’re already not connected with. 

How to Disable Vanish Mode on Instagram?

Now to get out of the vanish mode, you simply just trace the same steps as you would do to enable it. 

  1. Open the Instagram app on your phone.
  2. Tap on the DM or Messenger icon in the top right corner.
  3. Choose the conversation where you want to disable vanish mode.
  4. Swipe up from the bottom and release.
  5. And you’re back to the regular conversation. 

How to Send View Once Images and Videos on Instagram?

While this is not a part of the vanish mode, it is a similar feature. Sometimes, you may not want your photos or videos to be viewed more than once for whatever reasons. We don’t judge. 

Now for sending quick photos and videos on Instagram, the default is that it goes in a small pill, and the recipient clicks on it to view it. And once it times out, they can replay it once more. This default behaviour is similar to sending snaps on Snapchat. However, you can make it so that it cannot be viewed more than once. No replays allowed. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Open the Instagram app.
  2. Click on the DM or Messenger icon in the top right corner.
  3. Find the person you want to send the photo or video to. 
  4. In the bottom left of the conversation, next to the text bar, click on the camera icon.
  5. Take the photo or video, or choose it from your camera roll on the bottom left.
  6. Once the photo of video is selected, look at the bottom left. It should say “allow reply.”
  7. If you tap on it, it might switch to “keep in chat”, tap again and you should get “view once.”
  8. When on “view once” just send the message and it can only be viewed once.

If the recipient takes any screenshots of the image or video, you will be notified immediately. 

Vanish Mode Features

Instagram’s Vanish Mode is really easy to use, but it also lacks a few things. The vanish mode does not create a separate conversation like it does on Messenger’s disappearing messages. This makes it an in-chat feature that mainly facilitates your conversations instead of creating a whole new one. 

Let’s look at some of its features.

  • Ephemeral Messages: Anything sent in Vanish Mode disappears after it’s viewed, and you leave the chat.
  • Mutual Activation: Both participants must have Vanish Mode enabled to use it in a conversation.
  • Screenshot Notifications: If someone takes a screenshot while in Vanish Mode, you’ll be notified, adding an extra layer of security.
  • Voluntary Participation: You can only use Vanish Mode with people you follow or have approved message requests from, ensuring that it’s used among trusted contacts.
  • Report: Just because a message or photo is sent in Vanish mode doesn’t mean it can’t be reported. So just press and hold and report any text you find unwelcoming. 

When to Use Vanish Mode on Instagram?

Sharing Sensitive Information

Let’s say your friend urgently needs the password to your Netflix account (because obviously, their ex changed it on them). Vanish Mode is perfect for sending this type of temporary information. Once they’ve seen it and saved their binge-watching plans, the message disappears into the void. No awkward “Did I leave my password lying around?” moments later.

Lighthearted Fun

Vanish Mode is like the Snapchat of Instagram DMs. Imagine you find a hilariously bad meme that only your best friend would appreciate. Something that’s funny now but embarrassing if anyone finds it a year from now. Send it in Vanish Mode, have your laugh, and let it disappear before anyone else gets a glimpse.

Planning Surprises

Thinking of throwing a surprise party for your roommate but don’t want them stumbling upon the plan while scrolling through your messages? Use Vanish Mode to coordinate with friends. No receipts, no drama, just seamless surprise execution.

Things to Keep in Mind When Using Vanish Mode on Instagram

Mutual Consent

Here’s the thing: Vanish Mode isn’t something you can secretly activate without the other person knowing. Both parties are notified when it’s turned on. So, if you’re thinking of casually sliding into Vanish Mode to avoid awkward follow-ups, don’t. It’s a shared feature, not your personal invisibility cloak.

Respect Boundaries

While Vanish Mode is great for keeping things private, it’s not a send-anything-you-want licence. Just because the messages disappear doesn’t mean the consequences do. Imagine sending your friend a spicy meme, only for them to screenshot it (yep, Instagram notifies you of that, by the way). If it’s not something you’d share outside of Vanish Mode, maybe reconsider.

No Group Chats Allowed

Vanish Mode is like a VIP experience for one-on-one chats only. If you’re trying to plan your entire friend group’s weekend plans, you’ll have to stick to regular DMs. But hey, at least those don’t disappear while someone’s still trying to figure out where to meet.

Wrapping Up

So, there you have it, Instagram’s Vanish Mode. It’s the perfect tool for secret chats, harmless pranks, and sensitive information. It ensures that some texts don’t live forever in your DMs. It’s like those self-destructing messages from Mission Impossible. 

But remember, with great disappearing messages comes great responsibility. So while it is a fun feature to have, always make sure you’re using it responsibility. Do not share any harmful content, always respect people’s boundary. And our pro tip: don’t send anything that you wouldn’t send in a regular message. Because nothing on the internet is really view once. Your privacy should always come first. That being said, features like Vanish mode really come it handy. 

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