How to Delete a Facebook Page in 2025: The Quickest Way on Phone or Laptop 

If you’ve been managing pages on Facebook for some time, you know how frustrating it can be to learn and unlearn every time Meta brings an update to the pages. And then there’s the whole platform segmentation. Some pages can be managed from the Facebook app, while others need Pages Manager, Creator Studio, Business Suite, and each has its own set of rules. 

Facebook has streamlined some of it over the years, but it’s still as messy as ever. But if you want to unpublish or delete your Facebook page, we should be able to help out here. 

What is the difference between unpublishing and deleting a page?

There’s not much to say here as the question somewhat answers itself. Unpublishing is temporary. If you unpublish your Facebook page, you can also republish it and use it like before. If you deactivate your Facebook account, the pages where you are the sole admin will get unpublished. 

Deletion is different. Once your page gets deleted, its gone. There’s no way to recover it. However, before deletion, you get a 14 day grace period, during which your page remains unpublished. 

How to temporarily unpublish or deactivate a Facebook page?

If you want to hide a Facebook page for some time or you are not quite sure if you want to fully get rid of it yet, unpublishing is a good idea. 

On Desktop:

  1. Log into your Facebook account
  2. On the top right of the home page, you’ll see your profile photo. Click on it.
  3. Click to see all profiles. And select the page you want to delete.
  4. Then click on Settings & privacy and then access Settings.
  5. From the left menu, click on Access and Control.
  6. Select Deactivate Page and click Continue.
  7. Enter your password for confirmation and follow through.

On Android and iOS:

  1. Make sure you have the latest version of the Facebook app installed on your phone. 
  2. At the top or bottom right of the screen, tap on the three horizontal lines, hamburger menu, or your profile picture.
  3. Then tap on the drop down (down arrow) key next to your profile name to access the list of pages. 
  4. Then select the page you want to unpublish.
  5. Tap on the three horizontal lines, hamburger menu, or your profile picture again.
  6. Go to Settings & privacy, then tap Settings.
  7. Tap Access and control.
  8. Select Deactivate Page then tap Continue.
  9. Input your password if prompted, and follow through. 

How to reactivate a temporarily unpublished Facebook page?

Unpublished Facebook pages can be reactivated any time you want. And here’s how you do it:

On Desktop:

  1. If your primary account is deactivated, you must first log in to reactivate it.
  2. Then click on your profile picture on the top right corner of Facebook.
  3. Go to Settings & privacy and click Settings
  4. Below your information, click on Reactivate a Page.
  5. Then find the page from your list of profiles and click Reactivate.

On Android and iOS:

  1. From your main profile, tap the three horizontal lines (hamburger menu) or your profile picture at the top or bottom-right corner of the Facebook app.
  2. Scroll down and select Settings & Privacy, then tap Settings.
  3. Under Access and Control, select Pages.
  4. Tap View next to Reactivate Your Pages.
  5. From the list of pages, find the one you want to reactivate and tap Reactivate.

How to permanently delete a Facebook page?

To permanently delete your Facebook Page, you must have full access to the page. If you don’t, make sure that your role or access level is updated before proceeding. Also, keep in mind that deleting a Page gives you a 14-day grace period to cancel the deletion. Here’s how you do it:

On Desktop:

  1. Sign in to your Facebook account.
  2. Click on your profile picture in the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. Select See All Profiles from the dropdown menu and choose the Page you want to delete.
  4. Click on your Page profile photo in the top-right corner. 
  5. Go to Settings & Privacy, then select Settings.
  6. From the left-hand menu, click Access and Control.
  7. Select Delete Page, then click Continue, and follow the prompts. 
  8. You may need to re-enter your password for confirmation.

On Android and iOS:

  1. Make sure your Facebook app is updated to the latest version.
  2. Open the Facebook app, and sign in to your account.
  3. At the top or bottom-right corner of Facebook, click on your profile picture or the menu button
  4. Then select the Page you want to delete from the list of profiles.
  5. With the Page selected, click on your or your page’s profile picture again at the top-right.
  6. Choose Settings & Privacy from the dropdown menu, then click Settings.
  7. In the left-hand menu, find and select Access and Control.
  8. Under the Access and Control section, select Delete Page and click Continue.
  9. Follow the on-screen prompts, and if asked, re-enter your password to confirm the deletion.

How to cancel the deletion of your Facebook page?

If you’ve mistakenly scheduled your page for deletion or you just changed your mind, you can reactivate it within 14 days of scheduling. 

On Desktop:

  1. Click on your profile picture from the top-right corner of Facebook.
  2. Go to Settings & Privacy, then select Settings. 
  3. Under the Your Information section, click Reactivate a Page.
  4. Find the Page you want to recover in the list and click on it.
  5. Click Reactivate to cancel the deletion process.

On Android and iOS:

  1. Open the Facebook app and log in
  2. Tap on your profile picture at the top-right corner.
  3. Go to Settings & Privacy and select Settings.
  4. Scroll down to find Pages
  5. Then tap View next to Reactivate Your Pages.
  6. Locate the Page you want to cancel deletion for and click Reactivate.

Wrapping Up

Managing Facebook pages can be a hassle, especially with constant updates and ever-changing settings. And the deletion and deactivation pages keep moving around even more. While this guide probably won’t work for you always, it should do the job in 2025. 

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